Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

When the day is shortest and the night runs free

Each year we experience the summer solstice, the longest day, and the winter solstice, the longest night. Today in the southern hemisphere we see the winter solstice arrive on our doorsteps. This marks the point in the year where the seasonal wheel begins its journey back to warmer weather. It is the ideal time for digging deeper into ourselves, and embracing home and hearth.

Internal growth during these darker days can be aided through routine and ritual. One ritual perfect for the solstice is to cosy up with a warm cup of your favourite drink and express yourself - whether it be in the form of journaling, voice memos or painting. Reflect on your everyday activities over the past six months; What have your routines included, do they help you feel fulfilled, is there anything you might like to do differently?
Life is created from the actions we make everyday, so this type of reflection is a gentle reminder that your life is special and you can manifest the life you want to live. 

We have become (somewhat) accustomed to the ebb and flow of pandemic restrictions and increased time in the home, which means the way we approach this winter solstice is particularly meaningful. Think, what are your favourite parts of your home, and where are you drawn to. A beautiful way of celebrating this 2021 winter solstice is to extend the love you give to those special areas of your home to the rest of your spaces. Your kitchen, you workplace and your car are all spaces that tend not to receive a lot of love and are often overlooked. It doesn't take much to add a little magic. Crystals, incense and spoken word intentions are simple ways of lending a warm energy to a room. This way you can begin to generate an over-arching sense of belonging and love within every aspect of your life, as you so deserve✨