November Horoscopes

Mystery and truth; our depths, versus what we present to others. Alongside an extra Plutonic Scorpio season, November evokes a certain magic of illumination. It’s the kind of month that holds up a metaphorical mirror; reflecting both our inner secrets and, in the realest sense, the beauty of who we are.
Oftentimes, there can be an oh-no-there’s-only-one-more-month-left-of-the-year vibe to November. While approaching it that way isn’t super helpful, the astrology of the month does suggest that in many ways, it’s go-time. On November 20th, after sixteen long years, Pluto is finally hauling itself out of Capricorn, into free-thinking Aquarius. This powerful transit is one that invites us to release limitations in every sense of the word. For some, that might mean letting go of the quiet excuses that hold us back from leaps of faith. As easily, it might mean releasing relationships, which make us feel small and unsure of who we are. It could mean growing beyond the self-doubt that arises when we present our truth where it feels unwanted, and choosing to share anyway. Dynamics such as the above can be raised, released, and alchemized, with the help of an ever-illuminating Scorpio season.
If I had to choose a word for November, it would be ‘deep.’ Power dynamics and truths will rise to the surface; or perhaps better to say, waters will clear — revealing to us the places and patterns that keep us smaller than what we are. While this could mean a bumpy ride (don’t worry mutable signs, you’ll be fine), it’s also a gift. We’re being invited to leave November more in love with the world, ourselves, and the lives we’re creating. We’re being called to make sure those lives reflect who we are.
Continue reading for your sign-specific monthly horoscope. We recommend reading your Sun, Moon & Rising signs.

Trust your unfolding dear Aries. Reminder: even if you can’t yet see your future, the universe can. This month is about trusting the broadest story for yourself; the one which encompasses all the pieces and fits them together perfectly (whether that’s in a week, or a decade). There’s a beauty in moving through the unknown, and the Scorpio New Moon (November 1st) reminds you of that, with an invitation to look deeply within yourself. Journalling, tarot and solitude will feel extra yummy here.
As Mercury moves into fiery Sagittarius on November 3rd, you’ll feel a drive towards movement (perhaps travel is in the cards?), and adventure. With Mars entering Leo the next day, following your passions and impulses will feel increasingly more seamless, with any lethargy slowly but surely lifting. At the same time, Venus entering Capricorn (November 4th) brings a sense of responsibility, and long-term planning back into play. Are there any goals or projects you’re ready to get started on? The Taurus Full Moon (November 16th) will feel grounding and clarifying, with Saturn going direct the same day. On November 26th, Mercury goes retrograde (until mid-December). For you this may reveal what’s felt stuck; what needs to be untangled or examined, for you to move forward.

Dear Taurus, we’re entering your opposite sign for most of the month, and with its planetary ruler more active than ever, this could feel like a lot… but that’s a beautiful thing. Self-sufficiency is kind of your thing; yet Scorpio season invites you to lean into the unknown, to acknowledge and explore where you do have more to learn, or where you can broaden your perspectives. With your sector of relationships being activated, there’s a high chance this will arise through interactions with those in your orbit. You’ll leave November with deepened relationships, either with yourself or those around you.
Mercury’s entrance into Sagittarius on November 3rd will make it feel easier than ever to assert yourself with clarity, while Mars entering Leo the next day brings a sense of playfulness, which has perhaps been missing for a while. A lovely and supportive Taurus Full Moon on November 16th will feel optimistic, and light. There’s a reminder here to keep holding your visions and trusting that you are moving towards the things you want. The world might feel chaotic and not particularly supportive of abundance right now, but as Pluto enters Aquarius (November 20th), you’re being reminded that the cosmos isn’t tied to man-made rules. Things can change for you in an instant.

Lovely Gemini, with Jupiter travelling through your sign, your sense of personal journeying has been turned up since May. This remains the case until June next year — and since you’ve now made it through eclipse season (well done), it may be worth investigating (or feeling into) what this means. Jupiter rules spheres like travel, expansion, and the ‘hero’s journey’ that our lives all inherently carry. Its energy allows us to connect every moment on our paths with something profound, where even the most mundane days feel filled with a sense of personal destiny. This month is one for focusing on your intuitive voice and your passions. Carve out space to hear where that voice is guiding you, even if at this point it’s just a whisper.
A nurturing Taurus Full Moon on November 16th offers you a window to slow life down, get offline, and perhaps into nature. Don’t forget the power of nurturing the body, and its ability to clear stress and the mind.
Your planetary ruler (Mercury) will station retrograde on November 26th - December 16th, deepening that earlier intuition theme by activating your sector of life purpose and higher meaning. What feels most alive to you? Start there.

Dear Cancer, those changes you’ve felt brewing? They’re here. This month, as Pluto moves from your opposite sign into Aquarius, areas of your life that have felt blocked will begin to open up in new and glorious ways. Here’s your reminder to trust the process, and to (as best you can) let go of any fixed perceptions around what’s possible. This means you won’t let past experiences hold you back from recognizing opportunities that are perfect for you. There can be an idea that good things only come from hard work and challenge, but as Pluto transitions into visionary Aquarius, you’ll be shown that the perfect path for you can actually feel easy, natural, joyful, safe, and obvious. Change requires bravery, even when moving from dark places into the light. So, as we move through Scorpio season (until November 22nd), allow yourself the space to feel everything. Identifying your fears and giving them gentle acknowledgement will also be important. As Liz Gilbert says, they should be right next to you on your road trip forward, but they shouldn’t take the wheel.
This month is also flavoured by a stabilising Taurus Full Moon on November 16th, encouraging you to reconnect with your body and the earth. Practices like yoga, massage, and stretching may feel particularly delicious; as will taking moments to appreciate your inner and outer beauty and strength.

Lovely Leo, as the cosmic momentum picks up, remember you can always set your own pace. Carving out space to process may suddenly feel needed, and you’re entitled to prioritise exactly this during November. Mars will move through Cancer until November 4th, so using the start of the month to emotionally digest and travel inward may be particularly effective. From November 5th, as Mars enters your radiant sign; playfulness, and motivation will increasingly come through. It’ll feel like your inner fire is being reignited, particularly if you’ve felt flat over the last month. Lean into play, and honour your inner child. Watch your world transform.
As transformation flows on a global scale with Pluto’s shift (November 20th), it’ll be worth bringing conscious attention to your personal centre. Getting super entangled in outer or global events can diffuse your energy, so honour where your boundaries exist. Even if that means closing your bubble for a little while, you have full permission to do so. As you quieten down a sense of overstimulation, you’ll better hear your intuition and rekindle that magical connection to self.
Our Taurus Full Moon (November 16th) furthers this by inviting you into simple pleasures; your body, nature, peace and quiet. This moon coincides with Saturn stationing direct; presenting an opportunity to clarify your goals, and perhaps map out some ideas on getting there. You’re a force, lovely Leo. Don’t forget it!

Dear Virgo, the universe encourages you to embrace your depths this November. It’ll be worth finding moments of introspection, whether that’s train rides without your phone or meditative practices. Journaling will also be particularly potent this month with the Sun dancing through Scorpio, a transit which tends to illuminate feelings and parts of yourself which are usually hidden.
At the same time, as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 3rd, you’ll feel a burst of energy and curiosity. This offers a window to explore new ideas and seek out adventures, whether through travel or learning. Mars moving into Leo a few days later adds a playful spark, inviting you to pursue your passions with renewed energy. With Mars here, you’ll be called to prioritise yourself, especially if that’s not something you’ve been doing. Reminder: saying ‘no,’ asking for help, and delegating, can all be acts of self-love.
Mid-month brings the Taurus Full Moon, which will feel like a powerful moment for re-centring. As Saturn goes direct on the same day, you may want to reflect on where you are, take stock of your goals, and reassess (if required) your game plan. Even if you do suddenly feel the urge to make changes (this moon conjoins Uranus, planet of plot twists) — a harmonious sextile to Neptune reminds you that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, and that these are not contradictory ideas. You’ve got this Virgo!

November unfolds with exciting flavours of exploration for you, dear Libra. As the Scorpio New Moon sets the tone for the month, it offers the perfect portal for deepening connection to both yourself and others. You can use this period to investigate the lesser-known parts of yourself, which thanks to Scorpio season, will be more ready to reveal themselves than ever. Find autobiographies that inspire you, try automatic writing, go down film trails, and use your own creative expression to process emotions as you go. Why not pick up a new art medium? Reminder: life can feel as warm, bright and adventurous as you so choose.
Speaking of adventure, as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 3rd, the entire collective will feel a little more inspired. Embrace (or create!) opportunities to share your ideas and seek out stimulating conversations. Mars entering Leo the next day will feel like a cosmic hug that affirms your passions, also encouraging you to share, or step into the spotlight.
Our Taurus Full Moon falls on November 16th, evoking an empowering energy that invites creative visions to be grounded down into three-dimensional reality. The entire Saturn in Pisces transit (which runs through to Feb 2026) is flavoured by this idea; bringing your dreams into the structures of your life. You certainly don’t have to have the ‘how’ figured out now Libra, but here’s a chance to refine your daily choices, to ensure they align with your sparkly truth.

Happy Scorpio Season! November is your time to shine (even you October Scorpios!). Accordingly, the month’s energy is ripe for transformation. A New Moon in your sign on November 1st offers the perfect moment to set intentions for your next twelve-month cycle. Dive deep, and explore what truly resonates. Journaling, tarot or other meditative practices will help illuminate the process.
With the cosmic spotlight on you, the month will feel potent and adventurous Scorpio. Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 3rd, furthering this feeling, and sparking your curiosity in new directions. It’ll be a powerful time to broaden your horizons, however that applies to you. A new class, meeting new friends, or picking up a brand new hobby perhaps? Either way, as well as your solar season (until November 22nd), Mars’ entrance into Leo will offer you an extra dose of confidence and magnetism. Notice what shifts, when the way you carry and assert yourself does. Reminder: you’re naturally excellent at reading and understanding others, and this can be a superpower that you can use (for good!).
The Taurus Full Moon on November 16th, alongside Saturn going direct, activates your sector of relationships. This could be a time for celebrating with loved ones, or cozying up with a special someone. Allow yourself to be celebrated and seen; and remind yourself that your walls don’t have to stay up with the ones you trust. Even if you’re not fully understood by everyone, know that you are so loved.

Happy almost birthday, Sagittarius! November is a powerful month where you’ll wrap up one cycle, and enter another… but you have some releasing to do before you get there. Fortunately, the Scorpio New Moon offers an opportunity to do exactly this. Let go of what no longer serves you, and make space for growth ahead. Visualisation or even a mini release ritual will be helpful here.
When Mercury enters your sign on November 3rd, you’re going to start feeling supercharged. This will only increase with Mars moving into fiery Leo the next day, kicking your motivation levels up a gear. Follow your impulses, and the exciting new trails that they open up. Say yes to opportunities that give you a good-nervous feeling, and enjoy the dynamism of this time Sagittarius. You deserve it.
Your solar season starts on November 22nd, and will feel like a hug from the universe. Embrace the sense of freedom that comes with it; and if that manifests as a sense of restriction, perhaps it's time to break free in some way. Explore, journey, run, and find wide open spaces (either literally or metaphorically). Look for the synchronicities. Bring your story back to one where you’re at the centre; and notice how the branches surrounding you so magically interweave and connect together, supporting the glorious unfolding of your life.

November brings change for you in more ways than one dear Capricorn. With Pluto leaving your sign after sixteen years this month, you’ll increasingly experience a huge release, as well as waves of clarity and inspiration. You’ve wrapped up a major cycle, and that deserves a pat on the back (better yet, treat yourself!).
Venus enters your sign on November 12th, infusing your life with a deeper sense of beauty and connection. You may find yourself more discerning about who and what you allow into your life; but trust these intuitive nudges. They might just be creating space for that which truly aligns with your values and supports your growth.
Your planetary ruler (Saturn) goes direct on November 16th, alongside a gorgeous Taurus Full Moon. This is your official cosmic reminder of how well you’re doing, and how far you’ve come. Reflect on your enormous growth over the last few years, and as best you can, use the Full Moon energies to release any self-criticism or regret that lingers.
Doing so will offer the perfect entrance point for November 20th, where with the transit of the decade, Pluto moves out of your sign. This is major Capricorn, and you’ll feel it over the course of the next few months. Being an outer planet, Saturn transits tend to have slower impacts that build up (or down) over time. All you have to know is: you’re entering a picking-fruits-of-your-labour-era. Enjoy.

Get ready Aquarius! November marks the start of a massive transformation chapter for you, as you take centre-stage in one of the biggest cosmic shifts of the decade. This might just become one of the most empowering and exciting periods of your life, as well one where the world becomes more familiar with the magic of your sign.
When Pluto enters Aquarius, on November 20th, a monumental shift begins to ripple across the globe; influencing us all until 2043. On a personal level, for you this marks the beginning of a beautiful journey — one where you’re invited to explore your individuality and tap into your unique superpowers like never before. Get ready for deep changes in how you express yourself and connect with the world around you. You’re about to shed old identities, and step into more authentic versions of yourself. This is a long transit, and your metamorphosis will be incremental. Trust the process and have patience with yourself. You know what they say about the destination, versus the journey there.
But first, the Taurus Full Moon (November 16th), reminds you that even with everything going on in the cosmos and world, you can always bring yourself back to your centre by connecting with the simple beauty of your breath, the earth, and your body. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.

November invites you to dive deep into your emotional waters, dear Pisces, as transformative energies swirl around you. The tone for the month is set by a mysterious Scorpio New Moon, bringing unseen realms into your focus, as well as what lies beneath the surface.
At the same time, there’s a lightness to the month, with Mercury moving into Sagittarius, and Mars entering Leo (on November 5th). Here you’re invited to honour the whims of your inner child. Committing to one joyful self-love practice a day, can evoke ripples of positive change through your life. Whether that’s cooking your favourite breakfast, doodling on the train, or picking a flower, enjoy.
The Taurus Full Moon on November 16th will feel particularly clarifying for you, as it unfolds on the same day that Saturn goes direct in your sign. If you’ve been feeling foggy around what’s next in your journey (on a practical level), this will begin to clear up right about now. Either way, new inspiration around how you can align your life with your soul purpose will start to flow through with ease. Notice the synchronicities, and listen to your inner guidance system. You’ll know what threads to follow. At the same time, with Mercury retrograde starting on November 26th to mid-December, remember that you don’t have to commit to anything just yet. Trust your gut, angels, spirit team, inner voice, or intuition to tell you when the time is right.