October Horoscopes

October Horoscopes

As the largest planet in our solar system stations retrograde… October feels full of reflection, and aha moments. There’s a natural slowing down here. As we settle into Spring; there’s also reminder to stop, smell the roses, and to honour the paths our souls have chosen.

Some months of the year invite us to be dynamic. January, November, and March for example. Here, resisting the cosmic request to pick up the pace will cause an internal traffic jam; a clogging of the natural order, if you will. October is not one such month! Most astrologers (myself included) can’t stop rambling about Pluto’s final transit through Capricorn, something we won’t see for another 250 years. While Pluto technically only shifts signs in mid-November; as it wraps up its final retrograde on October 11, we officially hit the home stretch. We’re talking radical global and personal shifts. How will this play out you ask? We won’t receive the full picture just yet… but as we near the end of this major cycle which began in 2008, there will be a palpable sense of piecing certain parts of our lives (depending where Pluto moved through our charts) together. More on that next month! Jupiter goes retrograde this month, a planet whose usual function is pushing us towards expansion, purpose, and leaps of faith. Yet when it goes retrograde (the case until Feb 2025), Jupiter’s effects become more inwardly expressed. This means plenty of philosophising and re-evaluating our beliefs, particularly around where the planet illuminates our respective signs. Jupiter’s energy is about honouring our individual and divine nature; what it means to be human, and what it means to be you. It’s worth noting that (unless you’re a Sag or Gemini) we may not feel this retrograde as acutely as Mercury’s; Jupiter’s effects tend to grow over time. Gentle expansion beckons... sounds pretty good right?

Continue reading for your sign-specific monthly scope. We recommend having a look at your Sun, Moon & Rising signs.

Themes: Your personal path, sovereignty and empowerment, pursuing passions.
Lovely Aries, October is about reconnecting with your sense of self and independence. You’ll find yourself drawn to pursuing what lights you up, and exploring your passions beyond your relationships. It’s a month to carve out more time for the things which make your heart feel fuller, or bring you closer to yourself. You’re also invited to assert yourself clearly and as the impulses arise, before any frustrations build up. This will be particularly relevant around the New Moon in Libra (October 3rd), which activates your sector of relationships. Trust you’ll be able to speak your truth and be heard. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde, where it’s been illuminating your sector of communication and learning since May. Perhaps this has meant a busy social calendar, or that you’ve started multiple projects. Both are very much the vibe with Jupiter here — yet with this retrograde, you’ll likely notice if you’ve been scattering efforts or spreading yourself too thin. We have four more months of the Lunar North Node travelling through your sign, a magical cosmic occurrence which (for the last year) has been subtly supporting you in aligning your desires with personal growth. As we approach the Full Moon in your sign on October 17th, you’re invited to release any fears that you feel hold you back. This Moon squares your planetary ruler, Mars, who travels through sensitive Cancer — so you may feel a little raw. Hand your worries to the universe, and if that’s not possible, not a problem. Simply ask it to gift you with an equal amount of faith, or the assurance that all is well. Listen closely and you’ll hear it. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.
Themes: Honouring the present, releasing people pleasing patterns, defining wealth.
Dear Taurus, while your consistency and tendency to prepare for your future can be such a virtue, this month you’re being asked to notice where there’s more space in your life for play, or relaxation. Are you enjoying the present, as much as you’d like? October is here to show you where you’ve been saying “yes” instead of a more appropriate “no,” where you have too much on your plate, or are taking on too much responsibility for others. Mars’ transit through Cancer asks you to instead, try on being a little self-centred. Spoil yourself, and prioritise your healing. Besides, with Uranus retrograde through your sign, activating your sector of self — you’re being supported in an identity make-over, if you will. You are a creature of habit, yet, you’ll begin feeling drawn to breaking free of old patterns. Change will feel more comfortable than continuing down the same road. You can create intentions around this idea, on the Libra New Moon (October 3rd), which activates your sector of wellbeing and routine. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde, in your sphere of wealth and health. It’s time to get serious about what “abundance” truly means to you, and from there, to discern which wealth goals deserve your time and energy. The Aries Full Moon illuminates your sector of spirituality on October 17th, bringing clarity, higher wisdom and a sense of connectedness. Reminder: even on the most mundane of days, you exist on a floating space rock within an enormous galaxy. Magic is present, always. This Moon squares Mars, suggesting it’s not the time to act, but (as Venus trines Neptune), perhaps it’s rather a window to use your imagination and get deeply acquainted with your dreams...
Themes: Your inner resources, sharing authentically, willpower, community.
Beautiful Gemini, this month is about manifesting the life you desire by utilising your natural gifts, tools, and skillset. You have everything you need to bring about the major changes that you seek. With your sector of self-expression being illuminated, you’ll feel imbued with the clarity, confidence and charisma required to turn your visions into reality. This invitation will be particularly potent around October 3rd, where our New Moon in Libra grants you permission (and indeed insists), for you to be authentically yourself. Don’t worry about how you sound or appear to others, those aligned with your values will find and love you. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde through your sign, where it’s been turning up the heat on your personal growth since late May. Your desire to make things happen for yourself may be at all time high. Yet, as Jupiter goes retrograde, you'll have an opportunity to step back and reflect on whether you're on track. Are you directing your energy towards the right places? Alongside Uranus retrograde, you’re being reminded that the sky truly is the limit — and with that in mind, is it possible to dream even bigger? If you knew there was no chance of failure, how would you re-prioritise your time, or hone your skill set? Where would you turn your gaze? On October 15th, the Aries Full Moon activates your sector of community and collaboration. There’s a reminder here that you don’t have to do it all alone. As Venus (planet of relationships) trines Neptune (planet of dreams), perhaps your way forward will be in sharing your goals with those who support you; allowing yourself to be cheered on and inspired.
Themes: Personal growth, changing relationship dynamics, healthy communication.
You’re in for a magical October Cancer. With Mars moving through your sign, you’ll feel energised and in your element. The first part of the month will have you feeling inclined to spending quality time with family, or placing your attention on matters of home. It’ll be a nice time to re-decorate your living space, to reflect on who you are, and what brings you comfort at this time in your life. This will feel particularly nourishing around October 3rd’s New Moon in Libra which activates your sector of home. Enjoy sensual pleasures; light candles, get comfy, and enjoy candid moments with those in your close orbit. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde through Gemini where it’s been illuminating your house of spirituality since late May. If you’ve been working externally on bringing your dreams to life; you’re now being encouraged to slow down, prioritise rest and give more weight to your imagination and creativity. This retrograde serves as reminder for you to care for your inner world as much as your social obligations and work responsibilities. Perhaps you know this more than any other sign: there’s magic to be found in solitude. The Full Moon in Aries activates your sector of career and long-term goals on October 17th, which might suggest a green light on plans and getting proactive. Yet, this Moon forms a tension with Mars in your sign, suggesting there may be some inner knots or feelings you’d best smooth out first...
Themes: A newly emerging chapter, different perspectives, personal acknowledgment.
Dear Leo, for you October’s energy is about transition. Sometimes we consciously welcome and seek out change; other times we meet it with friction and fear. Whichever side you find yourself on... it’s important to remember things often fall apart, to fall together. Trust that you’re becoming wiser, clearer, and ultimately more empowered through this process. With our Libra New Moon on October 3rd, you’re being invited to consider multiple perspectives, as well what’s “fair.” This might mean playing mediator, or simply reflecting on some of your own belief systems to see if they’re still working for your ever-evolving self. At the same time, Uranus retrograde is activating your house of career, bringing a wave of charged and innovative energy to your work, goals, and what they mean to you. The first half of the month will be powerful for checking that you are still on track, and that there’s alignment between both your human and soul desires. During this time, remember you have full permission (as always) to say no to opportunities or invitations that do not align with your vision. Even if this leaves a void, you can trust the universe to fill it with something more perfectly suited. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde through Gemini, where it’s been illuminating your sector of community since May. Over the course of this transit, you'll have four months to reflect on where you could benefit from receiving, support, acknowledgment or compensation around your talents. This will become particularly resonant around the Aries Full Moon (Oct 17th), which encourages you to ask for what you need, as well as what you feel you’re worth; so as not to undervalue yourself, your creative process, or service to the world. Perhaps it’s time for a raise, an honest conversation, or a hug. You’ll know what to do!
Themes: Honouring the rhythms of nature, ease and flow, revisiting your “why”
Lovely Virgo, you’re still at the first pages of your new solar chapter, and accordingly this month is about tuning into your natural rhythms. By paying attention to your cycles; lunar, menstrual, astrological, or otherwise — you’ll be able to map out (whether in your mind or journal) which times of the month you feel dynamic and social, versus days where you’ll want more rest and introspection. The Libra New Moon (October 3rd) will be a perfect time for setting intentions around this. Efficiency is a big one for you — so know that by tuning into your biological cycles as well as the rhythms of nature, you’ll be able to navigate life with a greater sense of empowerment, flow and ease. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde through Gemini, where it’s been activating your sector of career since May. Perhaps you’ve been extra focused on your goals, work, finances or leadership opportunities. Now it's officially time to get clear on your “why.” Why exactly do what you want to achieve what you do? Are your motives in alignment with your soul? It’s okay if your answers aren’t immediately clear, these things can take time, and simply asking the questions will invite the cosmos to show you. The Aries Full Moon (October 17th) illuminates your sector of shadow work and the subconscious realms, so it’s likely that answers will arise here. Meditation will be particularly insightful and clarifying around this time. Carve out space and tune into your inner world, its gifts are infinite.
Themes: New beginnings, reflection and release, new sparks, blessings on blessings.
Dear Libra, here’s your reminder not to hold on to things you’ve outgrown, simply because they’re familiar. The cosmic spotlight is on you this month, as you’re officially at the start of a new solar cycle (even you September Libras!). This is a period of new beginnings, fresh energy, heightened beauty, and celebration. As with any new season, it’ll be worth reflecting on which elements of your life still resonate, and which do not. Let that which is stagnant fall away — and trust that by doing so you’re making space for the universe to fill the gaps with people, places or opportunities which are more aligned. The New Moon in your sign onOctober 3rd, will be the perfect time for doing exactly this. Why not write down what you wish to release, and (safely) set them alight? Mini release rituals such as these can be wonderful to share with loved ones, or yourself. Aligning a physical act with emotional release can be deeply cathartic and healing. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini, where it’s been activating your sector of adventure since May. As this transit “reverses,” you’ll feel more of an inward sense of expansion. This could translate to increased creativity, a sharpening of your intuitive senses, or gifts of clairvoyance. Follow any sparks of curiosity and see where they lead you! The Aries Full Moon (October 17th) activates your sphere of relationships, and will be a wonderful portal for celebrating yourself and getting loved up. Get cosy, and enjoy a deepened sense of gratitude for the present. With the Sun in your sign until October 23rd, you’ll find the cosmic energy supports you more palpably this month. Embody the feeling that everything you touch turns into gold, and perhaps it just might!
Themes: Emotional regulation, release and inner transformation, movement healing.
Lovely Scorpio, October invites you to find the delicate balance between honouring your emotions, and being engulfed by them. Your planetary ruler wraps up its retrograde this month, which on one hand will feel like a relief, and on the other, may catalyze a highly emotional time. As a water sign, you do feel deeply, and as you move towards your next solar cycle, there’ll be a beautiful (albeit potentially intense) process of release and catharsis that unfolds. As the Libra New Moon (October 3rd) activates your sector of spiritual connection, you’re invited to find peace through more esoteric practices like meditation, yoga, and tarot. Even the simplest of intentional mindfulness practices have the potential toalchemise energy; you may be surprised at how centred you feel after simply creating the space to do nothing but witness your breath! The Aries Full Moon (October 17th) brings more fire into the mix. As it activates your sector of wellbeing and routine, you’ll feel more inclined to connect with yourself and your body, byengaging in physical activity. If the gym isn’t your thing, nature beckons! By mid-month a sense of clarity will come through, as any remaining emotional fog begins to dissolve and your focus sharpens. Right in time for... drumroll... Scorpio season! With Venus in powerful Sagittarius, Pluto (your ruler) direct, and the Sun in your sign... you’re officially unstoppable dear Scorpio.
Themes: Actualising goals and desires, inner equilibrium, love in its many forms.
Dear Sagittarius, October will be great for getting things done, as long as you focus on refining exactly what (or who) you wish to commit to. With Mars travelling through Cancer, you’ll feel more of an inherent balance between your inner and outer worlds, and this will allow you to navigate any obstacles or opportunities that come your way with ease. This month, perhaps more than ever, you’ll be able to identify exactly what you want for yourself, and to map out exactly how to get there. It may not be a totally seamless process, but with focus and consistency, you’ll be successful at anything you put your mind to. The New Moon in Libra on October 3rd adds a layer to this, activating your sector of community and networking. It’ll be a powerful time to reflect on where you could use the support or encouragement of those around you. Your biggest astro event of the month unfolds on October 9th, where your planetary ruler, Jupiter, goes retrograde until February 2025. Moving through Gemini, Jupiter has been activating your sector of love and relationships since late May. Perhaps you’ve met someone new, released someone you’ve lost resonance with, or have been feeling more connected than ever. With Jupiter retrograde, you’ll get to venture deeper; to reflect on how you're showing up for others, and how they’re doing so for you. Again, this theme of being supported comes through. Are your connection needs being met? The Full Moon in Aries activates your sector of romance on October 17th, right before Venus (the planet of love and relationships) moves into your sign the next day. I’m sensing a theme here. Are you ready to open your heart to new (or simply more) love?
Themes: Picking the fruits of your labour, delegating and collaborating, your softness.
Dear Capricorn, you’re moving towards a culmination point. This month will be about staying present and adaptable, as well as paying attention to detail. Rest assured, your extra efforts will pay off. With Pluto moving through your sign for the last time (it goes direct on October 12th), you’ll feel a sense of closure coming that culminates mid-November. Funnily enough, now that things are coming together, you might have the feeling that the pace of life is speeding up. Rather than carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, work with the tools and people around you. Your word for the month can be ‘delegate.’ Don’t be afraid to ask for support, or advice from those in your orbit. You’ll have the chance to apply this around the Libra New Moon on October 3rd, which activates your sector of long-term goals and career. Sometimes the fastest way, is indeed through working together. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde through Gemini, where it’s been activating your sector of wellness and routine since May. Perhaps you've had more work thrown your way, or a busier calendar than ever. Now retrograde, Jupiter will prompt you to reflect on which commitments are worth your time, and which ones are ready to be released. As an incredibly industrious sign, your whole vibe often involves never backing down on a good challenge, but this month may realise that simplifying your day-to-day will make life feel even more efficient and rewarding. The Aries Full Moon (October 17th) brings more inward vibes to the table, activating your sector of home, family and emotional safety. This will be a time to let yourself rest and reflect. Don’t neglect those beautifully soft parts of yourself, they also make you who you are.
Themes: New love, exploring passions, like-minded connection, redefining joy.
Darling Aquarius, October will spark your desire for change. This month is about venturing into new spaces; whether that means physically travelling, seeking a mentor, or diving into new areas of study. The Libra New Moon on October 3rd will be the perfect time for all of the above, as it activates your sector of travel, life purpose and adventure. Here will arise a very natural human desire for connection, so know that by pursuing your passions unapologetically, you may just meet someone whose values align with yours. You know those special souls who you instantly click with? They’re right around the corner. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde through Gemini, where it’s been activating your sector of romance and self-expression since May. Perhaps you’ve found yourself feeling more confident, flirtier, or choosing a more playful approach to life. As Jupiter moves “backwards,” you'll be invited to reflect and reimagine what happiness means to you. Accessing joy daily may suddenly become more of a priority from here, whether that means finding new ways to manage stress, or committing to more play. The Full Moon in Aries activates your sector of communication and learning on October 17th, and as it forms a tension with Mars in Cancer, this will unfold on an emotional level. If you’re feeling flat, raw, or even lost; it may be time to go deeper, to objectively and gently understand why. Perhaps your inner dialogue is ready to change flavours; to become more self-loving and supportive of your best life.
Themes: Leaps of faith and trusting the unknown, intuitive flowing, home and belonging.
Lovely Pisces, for you October carries the wonderful energy of taking a chance. This month will be all about taking those leaps of faith, and in doing so mastering the art of embodying trust in the universe. Know that where and when you land, all will be more perfect than you can even imagine. As a mutable sign, this is energy you may understand well — yet with Neptune and Saturn both retrograde through your sign, your inner awareness is being brought to whole new heights. Your intuition is growing, as is the understanding that you’re carried by the universe. As the Libra New Moon activates your sector of transformation on October 3rd, you’re being reminded that when you do commit to trusting the flow of energy which weaves through your life, the impossible can become possible. As you get out of your own way (overthinking, self-doubt etc), the universe will sort out the path to your dreams for you. On October 9th, Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini, where it has illuminated your sector of home and emotion since May. Perhaps you’ve been nurturing yourself more actively over this time, or putting extra effort into maintaining your mental health. With Jupiter retrograde over the next four months, you’ll now have the chance to reflect on what home means to you, and which concepts of family apply to your present or future ideals. The Aries Full Moon activates your sector of health and the natural world on October 17th. This will be a gorgeous time for getting outside; swimming in the ocean, or finding a peaceful spot in the bush to meditate. Make this time about connecting to your centre; finding that inner sense of security, belonging and gratitude for the earth and your place in it.


Words by @endsinsolace
