New Moon in Cancer

New Moon in Cancer
Cancerian energies are drawn to the moon like moths to a flame, whether she is in her shadow phases or shining brightly. This watery sign calls for withdrawal and reflection, paired with the blank slate of the new moon, we can expect new revelations. 

New moons are a time for setting intentions and setting our sights on the future. This Cancerian new moon encourages us to prioritise radical self-care.
Take time to reconsider what your most potent forms of self-care are.

The most obvious forms of self-care relate to long baths or face masks, however, you can broaden your perspective. What lights you up? Is it allowing yourself the time to watch a film that's been sitting on your watchlist for months, cooking up a cheeky comfort meal, yelling your most angst worthy song, or even giving yourself the grace to do nothing at all? Cancerians are known for their sensitive nature towards others, but this new moon is a time to redirect your energy towards yourself. Reach out to the support network you put so much love into - they are there to give you love as well. Learn to take.

Release the tension that has been collected over the past month and slip into the watery forgiveness of the new moon.