March Mercury Retrograde Tool Kit

Mercury Retrograde is officially here, which means for three weeks (from March 15th to April 7th), the planet of communication will essentially take its hand off the wheel.
Just kidding, it’s not that dramatic, but it is worth paying attention to!
Mercury rules the mental realms and information exchange, as well as the systems that connect us. That means written and electronic forms of communication, our inner dialogues, contracts, conversations and so on.
So, when occasionally (three or four times a year), Mercury appears to travel “backwards” in retrograde motion — we tend to experience periods of glitchy technology, sitcom-esque miscommunications and plot twists.
When any planet goes retrograde, its energy tends to become subverted or directed inward. This means while our external lives could get a little messy this Mercury retrograde (back up your laptop!); on a personal level, it’ll be a wonderful time to look within, and prioritise mental health.
There’s always a silver lining; and here it’s that Mercury retrogrades tend to bring shifts of perspective, new solutions, and (eventually, trust the process) mental clarity. They also remind us to live and let live. If plans get cancelled, enjoy some alone time. If social media goes down, get outside and watch the stars.
The path forward may look a little bumpy, but we’ve got you. Read on for your sign’s Mercury Retrograde tips…
Accept that what falls away is not yours. Because this retrograde begins in your sign, you’re invited to dig deep and notice those divine nudges from the cosmos. This period is here to show you what you most desire, and how to go after it. But a release may be required first!
Are you acting in accordance with your soul truth? This retrograde has a distinctly spiritual feel to it for you. In a world ruled heavily by logic and pragmatism, here’s your reminder to honour your inner wisdom. It’ll save you some time.
Share your goals. Or notice what’s holding you back from doing so. You’re being reminded that collaboration is key, and that there’s power in words. Tell friends and loved ones what you’re dreaming of, and begin grounding those timelines into reality.
Remember when even life’s challenges felt light, fun, and like a giant adventure? Let’s get back there, because you can, and it’s your birthright. Pay attention to your thought patterns and whether they uplift and nurture you, or do the opposite. Be your own cheerleader.
Even the chapters of your life that feel or felt “off,” are part of your hero’s journey. They’re usually the places where you’ve been most transformed. For you, this retrograde chapter will be about reconciling with the parts of your past that you usually skip over. All of it made you who you are.
Are you taking on more responsibility than you should? This retrograde invites you to extend the same grace you offer others, to yourself. It’s okay to delegate, and it’s okay to improve things as you go along.
How’s the reciprocity in your life? With your sector of relationships being activated, this retrograde is one for noticing the ways that you communicate your needs with those around you. You’re a natural mediator. Is there room for more balance?
Shine bright Scorpio. This retrograde invites you into bolder self-expression. It may be time to re-assess the necessity of your guard. Reminder: the world benefits from your uniquely deep perspectives.
Good news, for you this retrograde is all about play and connecting with your inner child. Our recommendations: take a spontaneous road trip or a spa day, find a book that inspires you, and follow the trails which feel most alive.
With the world in more disarray than usual, this retrograde invites you to honour your inner world more than ever Capricorn. An emotional self check-in may be due. Journalling, therapy, or sharing with loved ones will also do the trick.
How’s your nervous system doing Aquarius? This retrograde invites you to explore and honour that oh-so-real mind-body connection. It’ll be the perfect window for practices like yoga, or just being more present with yourself. Have you ever tried those screen-time apps?
For you this retrograde will feel like a return home to yourself. As it starts in Aries, and moves into your sign, you’re invited to dissolve and steer clear of the things, people or places that no longer match your vibe. Then, sit back and watch your life start to shift…