Leo Season 🦁 ♌️ ✨

Leo Season 🦁 ♌️ ✨
The fire that shines brightest is the one that shines for all.
Welcome to Leo Season

The Zodiac of Leo is known for its extraverted nature and bold characteristics, however this luminosity is born from the relationships and connections they foster. Loved ones are everything to Leo, it dictates the way they engage with others and how to examine a situation.  Leo season follows the inner world of Cancer, a transition that encourages us to leave our shell and don the crown we so rightly deserve. 

This is a powerful time for reaching out to others.
Be the magnetic instigator and leader in order to generate meaningful collaborations with likeminded individuals. 

Leos are renowned for their social, creative talent, with many born under this constellation entering artistic and public realms. Maya Rudolf, Barack Obama, Madonna, Mick Jagger, James Baldwin, Jennifer Lopez, Jacinda Arden and Louis Armstrong all embody Leo's enigmatic disposition and passion to be heard.

This astrological season, riffle through your wardrobe and wear your special event clothing around the house, create a collage of nights out with your friends and mail it to them, begin vlogging and recording your daily thoughts during these bumpy times.

Shop our favourite Leo season picks ↓
Life is a runway to the Leo, and self expression is queen.

Muse: Asha
Photographer: Britt Murphy