Tree of Life has made a commitment to workers in our supply chain during the COVID-19 crisis.
In the face of the devastating impact of coronavirus on garment workers we commit to working together to do all we can to:
1. Support workers’ wages by honouring supplier commitments
2. Identify and support the workers at greatest risk
3. Listen to the voices and experience of workers
4. Ensure workers’ rights and safety are respected
5. Collaborate with others to protect vulnerable workers
6. Build back better for workers and the world
To find out more about these commitments, click here
Here is a list of the actions Tree of Life has taken to support the commitments above:
- We have not cancelled any orders since the COVID-19 crisis began. We are placing new orders to ensure there is ongoing work for the workers in our supply chain.
- We have performed a risk assessment to identify vulnerable workers and used this as a basis to put in place actions to help those most at risk.
- We are actively supporting our suppliers in providing safe working environments for their workers. This includes sanitisation and hand washing protocols, providing masks and social distancing in workspaces.
- We have used worker questionnaires to hear directly from workers about their experiences and concerns.
- We have used information provided by workers to address worker rights and safety issues.
- We have collaborated with our suppliers to assist workers. Assistance supported by Tree of Life has included emergency food packages and payments during the lockdowns and providing in-house accommodation and food rations when work recommenced.
- We are highlighting and celebrating the work of cottage industry workers to help increase the value and appreciation of these handmade products now and into the future.