Splendour in the Grass 2023!

Splendour in the Grass 2023!

Celebrating the good vibes are Splendour in the Grass! 🌈🎶

After years of uncertainty we embarked on a magical journey back to the ethereal haven of Byron Bay for the long-awaited rebirth of Splendour. This time around, a crowd slightly smaller yet the air was filled with just as much warmth - everyone reunited finally as one big festival family.



In a kaleidoscope of colors and mystical allure, festival goers adorned themselves with the most extraordinary outfits, as if they were weaved from our very own dreams. The melodies of Lizzo's voice filled the air, crowds gathered in harmonious symphonies making for one magical and joyous weekend to remember.



The markets, a treasure trove of wonders and handcrafted delights from locals and those far and wide. Under the enchanting skies, Byron Bay embraced us all with open arms, weaving its spell.Time seemed to stand still as we immersed ourselves in the dreamlike aura of Splendour, a place where reality merged with imagination, and the spirit of pure celebration thrived.



We spotted so many of you in Tree of Life pieces new and old, warming our hearts and always greeted with the happiest of hugs and smiles when! The weekend was a testament to the resilience of both nature and the human spirit, a glorious redemption from the challenges of the past years.



The success of of course owed to the tireless efforts of the organizers, the selfless dedication of the volunteers, and the genuine spirit of among festival-goers. Each person contributed to the collective magic, respecting the land and cherishing the souls around them. 



So here's to the revival of festivals, to the joyous reunions with friends, and to the magical moments that make life extraordinary. Until we meet again, Splendour in the Grass - thank you for reigniting our spirits and for reminding us of the power of music, love, and togetherness. 🌈🎶💕