September Horoscopes

Flow and Surrender come to mind for September, which invites us to embrace the formidable (and magical) winds of change. Uranus retrograde, an eclipse and Pluto’s last dance through Capricorn together catalyse a shifting of gears, or a checkpoint. Symbolised by our spring equinox, this window marks a ‘before' and ‘after’ in your journey, inviting the question… are you ready to transform?
Hello September, and hello Virgo Season! It’s the time of the year where all things pragmatic journey towards the top of our to-do lists. Here, refining, minimising and grounding ourselves into our work (both spiritual and otherwise) becomes priority. This year though, the earthiness of Virgo season will ground us at a time where nothing else remains the same. This month, Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn, travelling through the earth sign for the last time in our lifetimes (approximately 250 years). This transition is huge. Being between Pluto’s transiting signs is something not many humans get to experience, and perhaps a special part of why we’re here. Pluto’s transit reflects humanity’s growth, and here the flavours of Pluto Capricorn (think industrial revolution and modern economics) are beginning to wrap up. Final karmic lessons are being learned, and — think of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card vibes — our species’ trajectory is changing flavour. All the while, Uranus (planet of plot twists) begins its retrograde, we have our first eclipse of a new series, and our equinox brings a balancing marker to the year. Transformation is officially being green lit, and however we choose to meet change, it’s all happening now…
Continue reading for your sign-specific monthly horoscope. We recommend reading your Sun, Moon & Rising signs.

Practical healing steps are also emphasised with the next day’s New Moon in Virgo (September 3rd). Activating your sector of wellbeing, this will be the perfect moon for setting new intentions around health and habits. If consistency is an issue for you, get creative! Remember you can always use apps, friends, and journalling to keep yourself accountable. On September 18th, we have the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces activating your sector of spiritual connection. Naturally, this moon will feel extra magical, and leads perfectly up to September 22nd, where the Sun moves into your opposite sign (Libra), for our official Spring Equinox. This mini portal will evoke a sense of clarity, ease and rejuvenation within your relationships. Who do you feel ready to connect or reconnect with?

Dear Taurus, get ready for the unexpected! The cosmos is inviting you to (gently) reassess your life; to discern what no longer aligns with your personal truth, and to then adjust accordingly. Note: this might mean first carving out more space for yourself, to dissolve external influences and figure out exactly what your truth is! On September 2nd, Uranus Retrograde (in your sign) begins shaking life up. This retrograde prompts you to explore the unknown, and step out of your comfort zone. The energy may feel unsettling at first, yet it offers a powerful chance to reimagine what stability means to you. Perhaps you can find it more deeply than ever, within yourself.
Our New Moon in Virgo unfolds on September 3rd, activating your sector of creativity and self-expression. This is the perfect time to set intentions around your personal growth, and how you present yourself to the world. If you’ve been feeling stuck, it’s here you’ll feel inspired to try new things, and embrace your divine uniqueness. On September 18th, the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces illuminates your sector of community. This powerful eclipse presents a moment of clarity, revealing who truly supports you, versus which of your environments are out of balance. Speaking of balance, as the Sun moves into Libra on September 22nd (marking the Equinox), you’ll feel a sense of divine balance being restored in your work, health, and daily routine. Embrace the fresh energy, and use it to bring a sense of peace and harmony into your everyday. You deserve this and more!
Themes: Deep diving, surprises and change, creative opportunities, career goals.
Dear Gemini, for you, September brings a chapter of introspection and emotional healing. The universe is guiding you to reconnect with your truth and explore the hidden worlds within yourself. This will be a magical month. On September 2nd, Uranus Retrograde begins, activating your sector of spiritual connection and higher meaning. This retrograde will challenge you to shake off old limitations, and with Pluto making its final journey through Capricorn (activating your house of transformation), there’s a powerful emphasis on letting go of what no longer serves you.
Our Virgo New Moon unfolds on September 3rd, initiating an opportune time to set new intentions around your living situation and close relationships. If you’ve been considering making changes to your home or family matters, this New Moon offers the support you need. Honest communication and transparency will be rewarded. On September 15th, you, along with your fellow air-signs, will feel a wave of optimism and joy as Venus (planet of love and beauty) forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter in your sign. This aspect highlights your gifts and talents, making it an ideal time to strengthen connections and pursue any creative endeavours! The perfect way to wrap up Virgo Season, our Pisces Full Moon eclipse (September 18th) illuminates your sector of career and long-term goals. As ever, this eclipse may bring sudden insights or revelations. This time, they’ll be related to your career, ambitions, or realigning goals with your soul truth. Enjoy.
Themes: Personal growth, changing relationship dynamics, healthy communication.
Dear Cancer, get ready for a month of profound shifts and deep emotional evolution. The cosmos is officially guiding you through a period of transformation, specifically in matters of your relationships and inner world. On September 2nd, Uranus Retrograde begins (running through to January), inviting you to rethink your approach to change and personal growth. How can you better befriend the unknown? With Pluto making its final journey (of your lifetime) through Capricorn, there’s a simultaneous emphasis on releasing old patterns in your relationships. This is a time to let go of control, and embrace the arising shifts that are necessary for deeper connections.
The New Moon in Virgo on September 3rd illuminates your sector of communication; encouraging you to set new intentions around authenticity, and how you express yourself. This is also an excellent time to start afresh in areas involving writing, learning, and expressing. Clarity and precision in your thoughts and words will help you navigate the month’s energies with grace! On September 5th, Mars enters your sign, evoking a wave of energy and motivation. Naturally, here you’ll feel more assertive and ready to take action on personal goals. On September 18th, the Pisces Full Moon Eclipse may bring revelation or perspective shifts. One of the most potent moons of the year, this marks a time to trust your intuition, and to perhaps explore new spiritual or philosophical ideas that resonate with your soul…
Themes: New energies, career surprises or redirections, health and abundance, fears.
Dear Leo, still fresh at the start of your new solar cycle, September invites you to colour your year with magic and alignment. You’re prioritising your dreams and contentment more than ever, and the universe is here to meet you halfway. Uranus (planet of plot twists) goes retrograde on September 2nd, activating your sector of career and long-term goals. Get ready to be surprised! This transit challenges you to reflect on what success truly means to you, and how you can achieve it on your own terms. It may be time to break free from conventional expectations, and to embrace your unique path. On September 3rd, the Virgo New Moon auspiciously illuminates your sector of health and abundance. This is an ideal time to set intentions around money management, or investing in what matters to you. Whether it’s a new business idea or simply a matter of reorganising your resources, this moon offers the perfect energy to start afresh.
September 15th brings a harmonious trine between Venus and Jupiter, evoking an expansive boost to realms of communication. Here, you’ll find it easier to connect with others and share ideas. This is a great time for collaboration, in both personal and professional relationships. This month’s powerful Pisces Full Moon Eclipse (September 18th) will feel like a game changer as it raises any unresolved issues, fears or hidden truths. This is a powerful window for healing and transformation. Note: this eclipse is the first in a series, and some of the themes here foreshadow those you’ll be working with over the next two years!
Themes: Solar celebration, full circle moments, a new chapter, relationship dynamics.
Dear Virgo, happy Virgo Season! September brings a wave of new beginnings and full circle moments. You’ll be made aware that the threads of your journey are divinely connected, as you enter a new chapter with full permission to pick the fruits of your labour. As Pluto makes its last passage through Capricorn (for 250 years), activating your sector of creativity and self-expression, you’re being called to let go of any patterns or limitations that no longer serve your true self. Embrace the change that comes with this time — it’s here to uncover the fears which hold you back from your truest desires.
On September 3rd, the New Moon in your sign marks a significant moment of renewal. Consider this your personal New Year, a potent time to set intentions for how you want the next twelve-month cycle to look. The Pisces Full Moon eclipse (September 18th) activates your sector of relationships, evoking clarity and revealing where you may either need to set boundaries, or let down your guard. It’s a time for honest conversations and emotional healing. Note: this eclipse marks the new upcoming journey of the Lunar Nodes. The Nodes reflect our species collective growth, and with your sign soon to be on the South Node, you’re in for a powerful few years of evolution! Mercury enters Libra on September 26th, helping you to articulate your thoughts, as well as to find common ground in any situation. Life feels lighter with transits like this. Enjoy!
Themes: Patterns and routines, releasing the past, spiritual work, celebrating you.
Dear Libra, as we move closer to your solar season, you’ll feel a divine sense of things coming together. Indeed, Virgo season (which we’re in until the 22nd) is all about wrapping up loose threads, and refining our lives. Consider it the spring clean before your birthday! On September 2nd, Uranus Retrograde encourages you (for the next three months) to reflect on the many patterns which make up your daily life. Is there anything you feel called to shift? As Pluto makes its final journey through Capricorn (for over two centuries), you’re also being invited to release any attachments to the past, which exist to your detriment. This is a time to work on your sense of emotional safety and physical contentment, from the ground up — to ensure a solid foundation for the future.
The Virgo New Moon on September 3rd will feel particularly magic, as it activates your sector of spirituality. This marks a moment to set intentions around healing and connecting with your higher self. Embrace the quiet and solitude this New Moon offers — you can use it to recharge your spirit, and fall more deeply in love with life. On September 15th, Venus (who transits through your sign) forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Gemini, evoking optimism and light. This aspect enhances your natural magnetism, making it a perfect time for connecting and meeting others.
As the Sun moves into your sign on September 22nd, marking the Equinox, you’ll enter a period of renewal and celebration. This is your time to step into your personal power, and enjoy the gifts which flow through as a result.
Themes: New cycles, collaborative plans, epiphanies and downloads, healthy hedonism.
Dear Scorpio, welcome to the month where your sign begins to emerge from a winter chrysalis, sensing the approach of a new season. September will feel fresh and inspired. Enjoy!
Uranus starts its three-month retrograde on September 2nd, bringing chaos (the best kind) to your relationships, platonic or otherwise. Of all signs, you’re perhaps one of the most aware that chaos and conflict can be gateways for deeper connection, so allow what comes to be. Trust that you are being guided into the most loving spaces. As your planetary ruler (Pluto) makes its final pass (of your lifetime) through Capricorn, you’re also being called to transform limiting mental habits. This is a time to release outdated perspectives, and to rather embrace those that align with your ever-evolving self.
On September 3rd, the Virgo New Moon invites you to set intentions around the people and communities you wish to build with, whether that means launching a new project, or simply dreaming up future plans with loved ones. If you’ve been feeling ‘blocked,’ the Pisces Full Moon lunar eclipse (September 18th) may bring significant revelations or a sense of breakthrough. Introspective activities like journalling, tarot, or meditation will be helpful here. Finally, on September 23rd, Venus enters your sign, enhancing your natural qualities and making life suddenly feel that much more romantic. Now’s the time to spoil yourself, rest well, and guiltlessly embrace the sensual pleasures of life. Love this for you!
Themes: Mindful action, staying present, career moves, connection, emotional release.
Dear Sagittarius, alongside Virgo season, your September is flavoured with a work-hard, play-hard vibe… where the work is actually extremely satisfying. This will be a month to wrap up loose threads and ultimately, get things done. My main suggestion for your sign this month; is to avoid moving so fast that you turn down the volume on your emotions and intuition. In other words, stay present with your inner world, as you move mountains in the outer! The New Moon in Virgo on September 3rd provides the perfect moment to set new intentions for your work life. Whether it’s aiming for a promotion, starting a project, or simply refining your long-term goals; you can use this moon’s energy to take practical steps toward manifesting your dreams.
On September 15th an alignment between Venus and your planetary ruler (Jupiter), brings a wave of positive energy to your relationships. It will be an excellent window for collaboration, meeting (or reconnecting with) like-minded souls, or a date night! A potent Pisces Full Moon eclipse (September 18th) illuminates your sector of emotional healing, potentially bringing epiphanies, or a sense of catharsis. This will be a powerful time for releasing emotional baggage (think exes, past feuds); and to create a more supportive and nurturing inner environment for yourself. Reminder: when you clear out the old, you give the universe permission for new and more aligned energies (people, places and things) to flow through. This too is an act of self-love!
Themes: Ending cycles and new beginnings, personal expansion, embracing vulnerability.
Dear Capricorn, you’ve been hanging out with Pluto for so long that it probably feels like part of your personality at this point. All that’s about to change in September, as you navigate the closing chapters of a significant cycle in your life.
But first, on September 2nd, Uranus Retrograde begins. This is a time to consider what truly brings you joy, and how you can integrate more of exactly that into your life. Then, as Pluto begins its last journey through your sign before entering Aquarius in November, you’re officially at the tail end of a long, intense period of personal transformation. This is your time to fully embrace the new you that has been emerging. Note: think back to what was unfolding in 2008, to review any personal Pluto themes that are now coming to a close.
The Virgo New Moon (September 3rd) marks an excellent time to set intentions around education, travel, or expanding your horizons in general. Whether it’s planning a trip, or getting out of your comfort zone in some other way, this New Moon encourages you to seek new experiences. Reminder: stay present with the process! With Mars moving into Cancer on September 5th, you’ll enter a period of where relationships take centre stage. Here, hidden feelings or tensions may arise; at the same time as a chance to strengthen connections through paths of communication and vulnerability. This month’s Pisces Full Moon eclipse (September 18th) will bring epiphanies and perspective shifts. Pay particular attention to inspiring conversations or catalysts that make you question yourself. These are your signs!
Themes: Plot twists, returning to your centre, a new you, shadow work, abundance.
Dear Aquarius, as your planetary ruler stations retrograde, September will be a month of surprises, but the good kind! The cosmic energies are officially at play, and the universe is guiding you back to the divine centre of who you are. Uranus (your ruler) goes retrograde for approximately three months on September 2nd, inviting you to reflect on your emotional health. This is a chapter for considering how your personal environments support or hinder your growth, and for making adjustments accordingly. With Pluto travelling through Capricorn for the final time before entering your sign in November, you’re completing a long cycle of subconscious transformation. This is your moment to release emotional blocks, and to prepare for the new era to come.
More themes of personal transformation arise alongside the Virgo New Moon (September 3rd), which activates your sector of shadow work, and subconscious fears. This is a powerful time for setting intentions around deep emotional healing, and however you choose for it to play out, this New Moon supports profound change and renewal. The Pisces Full Moon eclipse on September 18th illuminates your sector of health and abundance. As eclipses tend to do, this may bring a significant revelation or change — specifically regarding how you manage your resources, or even how you value yourself. It’s a time for letting go of financial insecurities, and embracing a more abundant mindset. Guided meditations can be particularly helpful (try YouTube). Watch your life change from here!
Themes: Obligations and boundaries, your sense of belonging, surprises, finding yourself.
Dear Pisces, with an eclipse in your sign, you’re in for a powerful September. Virgo season carries us through the bulk of the month, and it’s important to avoid the sign’s shadow of ‘I’ll-do-the-whole-group-project-myself’ energy. This chapter is one for re-connecting with yourself, your boundaries, and your sovereignty. As Pluto travels through Capricorn for the last time in your life, you’re at the end of a powerful cycle, related to your sense of belonging. Notice shifts that arise in this sphere; and trust that they’re here to help you connect with things, people, and environments, which align with your values and support your growth.
The connection theme continues with our Virgo New Moon on September 3rd. Activating your sector of relationships, this moon is a powerful window for celebrating those you love, and/or inviting in the special souls you’re yet to meet. Our potent Full Moon lunar eclipse (in your sign!) on September 18th, will mark a major moment of personal revelation for you Pisces. One of the most unpredictable occurrences in astrology, eclipses tend to bring surprises, and major re-adjustments. As this one unfolds in your sign, that will be particularly true for you. Get ready for a significant shift in how you see yourself, and perhaps your role in the world. It’s a time for releasing old identities, and embracing a sense of self that’s more aligned with the highest versions of your mind, body and spirit. You’re moving closer towards the truth of who you are, which, magically, is who you’ve been all along.