August Horoscopes

Celebration, our hero’s journeys, and expanding beyond all we thought was possible for ourselves. Between a fresh Mercury retrograde and Uranus tensions, August will be a ride, to say the least. We’ll follow the Sun as it dances through its home sign of Leo, while illuminating the planet of shadow work in its opposition to Pluto. This month will be one to sink, swim, or perhaps faithfully dive into the divine chaos of life.
Oh, August. Fittingly, this month is set to be a lot. But as the fiery lion archetype reminds us; what’s life without a little spice? With the Sun shining in its home sign until August 22nd, we collectively draw energy from the zodiac sign of Leo. Representative of the self, the inner child, and the heart; at its best, Leo energy firmly grounds us within the core of who we are. Yet —with Mercury retrograde also moving through Leo this month — that’s exactly where we’re being put to the test. Even the most confident souls are not immune from insecurity and self-doubt, especially when it comes to the new (which will be actively coming through this month). Rather, we’re being reminded it’s how we move through chapters of uncertainty that will flavour our story. When faced with change (one of the guarantees in life), we can either meet it with openness, grace and curiosity. Or... we can resist, grasping for a sense of “control,” and fearing that we’ve lost the truth of who we are. But Leo Season is here to remind us that who we are can never truly be lost. Indeed, we can never be anything less than our beautiful selves.
Continue reading for your sign-specific monthly horoscope. We recommend reading your Sun, Moon & Rising signs.

Themes: Self-love, your healing journey, healthy boundaries, authenticity, challenge.
Dear Aries, for you this month is about honouring your boundaries, in every moment. You’re being invited to observe where you compromise your own desires, perhaps out of obligation or pressure from others. Instead, your new goal is to find creative solutions which work for both sides. Chiron (the asteroid of our deepest wounding) is in your sign, and will be travelling retrograde through to December. This evokes a powerful opportunity to deepen your self-love, and a commitment to your own journey. On August 4th, the Leo New Moon lights up your sector of creativity and self-expression, encouraging you to follow what feels most alive. Reminder: fortune favours the bold! Opposite Pluto, what currently holds you back will suddenly become more obvious. Breathe through any such epiphanies — you have all the time in the world to bloom.
On August 5th, pragmatic vibes come through with Venus entering Virgo, as well as the start of Mercury Retrograde. Here, it’s important to pay attention to the finer details of life, and refine your habits. This will also be an excellent time to revisit unfinished conversations. Speaking of clarity! The auspicious Mercury Cazimi on August 19th will feel fresh, illuminating and inspiring. If there were ever a day to express yourself authentically, this would be it. This is also just one day before our Aquarius Full Moon which illuminates your sector of community. There’s a it-takes-pressure-to-form-diamonds vibe with this moon, so be aware that challenges around this time may just produce some amazing breakthroughs.
Themes: Uncovering and facing the truth, intuition, home, nervous system regulation.
Dear Taurus, you’re in for an interesting August! This month there may arise some deeply illuminating, yet challenging answers. You’re being invited to lean into radical honesty (whether that’s with yourself or others), with the awareness that you’ll always be supported and held by the universe. On August 4th, the Leo New Moon illuminates your sector of home and family. In its opposition to Pluto, this moon will be powerful for setting intentions related to your living space, family, sense of home, and emotional security. More specifically, it may raise tensions or fears relative to all the above. Trust your intuition with any epiphanies that come through around here, and know they’re simply here to strengthen your foundation.
The following day, Venus (your ruler) enters Virgo, at the same time Mercury retrograde begins in Cancer. Here, you’re being invited to balance all things practical and emotional; and to get more pragmatic about your healing, particularly when it comes to prioritising yourself. On August 15th, magical vibes come through with Mars meeting Jupiter in your sector of spirituality. This will be a beautiful time for journalling, honouring and reflecting on your journey. Where do you feel inspired to travel next? (Internally or externally!) Our Full Moon in Aquarius unfolds on August 20th, and because it forms tensions with Uranus (which rules the nervous system, and is in your sign), it may carry a specific flavour of electrical charge or intensity. Carve out the space to soothe your inner world. Remind yourself that you are loved.
Themes: Transformation, passion, purposeful conversations, your story arc.
Dear Gemini, as a mutable sign, chaos and transformation are part of your natural state of existence. This means you’ll likely thrive during an exciting and potent August. Both Mars (planet of action), and Jupiter (planet of expansion) are in your sign turning up the fire; plus your planetary ruler (Mercury) stations retrograde (August 5th-29th), throwing some existential themes into the mix! On August 4th, the Leo New Moon will feel particularly auspicious for you as it harmonises with your sign. Here, you’re invited to lean into your natural curiosity and see where it takes you. Note that opposite Pluto, fears may arise with this Full Moon. Gently breathe through them. You’ve got this.
On August 15th, an even more magical day arises as Mars and Jupiter meet in your sign, amplifying your energy and efforts. This conjunction brings a burst of motivation and drive, as well as unexpected opportunity and synchronicities... enjoy! On the same day, Mercury (your ruler and planet of communication) re-enters Leo, enhancing your ability to express yourself with confidence and creativity. You’ll be able to use this energy to share your ideas and engage in meaningful, transformative conversations. Our Aquarius Full Moon takes place on August 20th, and opposing Mercury retrograde, it might feel a little more challenging than the rest of the month. Illuminating your sector of life purpose and adventure, it’ll be a potent time to ask yourself the question: what’s next?
Themes: Long-term goals and consistency, trusting the process, abundance, health.
Dear Cancer, for you August is about embracing your zodiac polarity, and committing to making changes and perspective shifts which will benefit you in the long-term. Get ready, because this month has the potential to be one of the most transformative of the year. On August 4th, the Leo New Moon illuminates your sector of abundance, making the perfect time to set intentions around your financial goals. Opposite Pluto, this moon will bring any fears, and limiting beliefs you have around those themes up to the surface. This moon encourages you to acknowledge the truth of where you are, while recognising that some things simply take time. Forcing your desired outcomes prematurely is rarely effective — and besides, a sextile between this moon and Mars (in Gemini), suggests unexpected solutions may be right around the corner (pay attention to inspiring conversations!). The next day, Mercury retrograde begins in your sign (August 5th), where a solid dose of nostalgia may come through. Note: it moves into Leo on August 15th, where the theme shifts to refining your habits around health. This will be the perfect time for implementing a new daily routine or healthy practice. How can you improve the quality of your life?
On August 20th, we have our Full Moon in Aquarius opposing Mercury retrograde. Here, you’ll be invited to take what your Retrograde lessons (of the past few weeks) have taught you to the test. Remember, changing mental patterns may not ever feel super comfortable at first, this doesn’t mean you’re moving in the wrong direction!
Themes: Breaking free of old patterns, acceptance, celebration, synchronicity.
Dear Leo, happy Leo Season! Ah, we’re officially at the time of the year where your ruler (the Sun) gloriously twirls through its home sign. This Leo season might be a little more challenging than previous ones, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be any less enjoyable or epic. Resist any temptation to stick with familiar habits this month, and you’ll be rewarded. You’re being invited into transformation, expansion, and the life of your dreams.
On August 4th, the Leo New Moon invites you to reflect on your current circumstances, in order to plant seeds for the future. This is a potent chapter for introspection and adjusting your path. Remember that feeling lost or scared (this moon opposes Pluto, planet of fear) doesn’t mean you’re failing, or any less than your wonderful self. We all feel insecure, ungrounded and uncertain at times. If that’s unfolding for you now, then simply let that be the case. The idea that life doesn’t need to be perfect is coming through, heightened further with Mercury retrograde beginning the next day (August 5th), for almost the entire month. It starts in Cancer, but moves into your sign on August 15th. Major main character energy. With any retrograde, sometimes things fall away, or fall through. Trust the process and consider it as your up-levelling. Synchronicity flows through on and around August 19th, where Mercury Cazimi unfolds in your sign, inviting you to put yourself out there in new ways. Watch what magically matches your frequency and returns to you... Enjoy!
Themes: Unusual circumstances, spiritual connection, the messiness of life, surrender.
Dear Virgo, for you, August may feel like a bit of a rollercoaster. Boredom is definitely not on the cards over the next four weeks! With your ruling planet (Mercury) now in your sign, the first week of August will feel seamless and mentally clarifying. Venus also moves into your sign, heightening beauty and connection (to both self and relationships). On August 4th, the Leo New Moon powerfully activates your sector of spirituality. This surreal and inspiring time will be profound for reflective activities like journalling, or therapy. You can use this window to set intentions for healing, and envisioning your ideal next six months. What are you ready to call in?
August 5th is when the flavour of the month takes a turn. Dun, dun, dun... Mercury officially stations retrograde, inviting you through experience to (as best you can), release a sense of ‘control’ — however that applies to you. Sometimes life is chaotic and messy, and that’s okay. If you experience hiccups over the course of the month, know that they’ll likely come full circle on August 29th as Mercury stations direct. You’ve got this! On August 20th, the Aquarius Full Moon highlights your sector of health and routine. This will be the perfect time to release stagnant energy, and to ask: what could be done better? Perfect timing, because Virgo Season is right around the corner. It’s your time to shine!
Themes: Fresh energy, sharing your passions, self-forgiveness, full circle moments.
Dear Libra, as your planetary ruler (Venus) moves from Leo to pragmatic Virgo you’ll likely be feeling the desire to spring clean your life. For you, August can be a month of expansion, fresh energy, overcoming limitations and change. On August 4th, the Leo New Moon highlights your sector of community and belonging. This will be a powerful time to connect with others and participate in collaborative projects that inspire you. What do you feel passionate about? What are you ready to share?
Mercury retrograde begins the next day (in Cancer), and for the first ten days it’ll focus on your sector of career and finance, making it a wonderful time to wrap up any loose threads or pressing life admin. From August 15th (as it moves into Leo), this focus shifts more abstractly to your place in the world.
On August 15th, as Mars meets Jupiter in Gemini, your sector of life purpose, travel and adventure is activated. This conjunction brings a subtle but profound burst of enthusiasm for expanding your horizons, learning, and seeking new experiences. A few days later Mercury re-enters Leo, inviting you to perhaps share your findings and visions with others. On August 20th, we have our Full Moon in Aquarius, which illuminates your sector of creativity and self-love. This moon nudges you to release perceptions of past “failures” — to honour the divine perfection of your journey, and to acknowledge how things have often fallen so perfectly together. The month wraps up with a glorious burst of clarity as Venus moves home into your sign, and Mercury goes direct on August 29th. It’s officially time to pick the fruits of your labour.
Themes: New levels of mastery and self awareness, career goals, refinement, magnetism.
Scorpio, you’re officially in for an interesting August. This month, the Sun opposes your planetary ruler (Pluto), which may catalyse some challenges when it comes to feeling grounded in yourself and the world around you. To add to the intensity, Pluto has been retrograde since May (and will remain so up until October). Yet, where there’s shadow, there’s silver lining! As a mutable sign, and the sign of transformation, you’ve got this, in a way that no other sign could. It’s periods like this that connect you to your inner strength. On August 4th, the Leo New Moon illuminates your career sector. Opposite Pluto, your fears may be raised, making it the perfect time to lay it all out. What are your long-term goals? What fears stand between you and them? This is a powerful time to set intentions for your professional life and ambitions. Mercury retrograde begins the next day, which will further raise themes of both purpose and career. It wraps up on August 29th, so you have a brief window to deep dive into both spheres. What can be refined?
A gust of optimism comes through with Mercury Cazimi in Leo on August 19th, offering moments of play and optimism. You’ll be feeling more magnetic than ever, so use it wisely! The following day (August 20th) marks our Full Moon in Aquarius. In tensions to both Uranus and your sign, this moon has childbirth vibes. Challenging, bumpy, yet cathartic and oh so worth it. You’re growing and learning more about yourself than ever before, and that’s a beautiful thing.
Themes: New habits and practices, inspiration in stories, perfect imperfection.
Dear Sagittarius, this month the cosmos invites you to expand your horizons, while deepening your relationship to yourself. Reminder: this could mean anything from landing your dream job to simply drinking more water everyday! On August 4th, the Leo New Moon will be a powerful time to set intentions related to travel, adventure and life purpose. Opposite Pluto, you may notice some personal limitations arising, while a sextile to Mercury invites you to find inspiration through the experiences, words or stories of others. Let yourself be inspired, and stay open to new perspectives.
The next day Venus enters Virgo, bringing all things practical back into focus. At the same time, we’re being reminded that life isn’t always perfect — as Mercury retrograde begins (until August 29th). Reminder: even if you don’t have everything figured out, it’s all good Sagittarius. Notice the synchronicities and answers flowing through over the next few weeks. As your ruler (Jupiter) squares Saturn, you’ll be invited to balance your dreams and desires for expansion, with the need for responsibility and discipline. Consistency is key! This means that as we hit Virgo Season on August 23rd, life will feel more seamless than ever. How can you continue to organise your life (whether professionally or just in general) to ensure that your efforts align with your long-term visions? The month concludes with a wave of lightness as Mercury stations direct, and Venus enters Libra on August 29th. This will feel like a sigh of relief, and a heightening of beauty. All is well, and you’re doing amazing.
Themes: Overcoming obstacles, transformation and catharsis, health and grounding.
Lovely Capricorn, August is here to challenge you out of your comfort zone. With Mercury retrograde, and Saturn (your planetary ruler) also still retrograde — this month may test your endurance... but if any sign knows the merit of overcoming obstacles, it’s yours. You’re going to leave August feeling wiser, stronger and more amazing than ever. On August 4th, the Leo New Moon activates your sector of transformation and shadow work, evoking the perfect opportunity for an emotional check in. Journal, book a therapy session, or get vulnerable with a loved one. What are you ready to release?
On August 15th, Mars meets Jupiter, evoking a burst of motivation to improve your work habits and overall well-being. The same day, Mercury re-enters Leo, boosting your communication skills, and helping you express your thoughts and ideas more clearly than ever. It’ll be the perfect preparation for Virgo season which comes through on August 23rd. But first! Our Full Moon in Aquarius (August 20th) activates your sector of physical health. In its tension to Uranus (ruler of the nervous system), this Full Moon carries a particular charged quality. You can use grounding practices like spending time in nature, nourishing meals, and yoga to stay connected to your truth and body. On August 29th, Mercury stations direct and Venus enters Libra, bringing a wave of clarity and full circle moments to wrap up the month. Resolutions, closure and new inspiration are all on the cards. Enjoy!
Themes: Relationships and connecting, creativity, romance, self-loving acts.
Dear Aquarius, you’re in for a ride! With Pluto retrograde in your sign, opposing the Sun for most of the month… August might challenge you, but in all the best ways. The Leo New Moon (August 4th) illuminates your sector of relationships and reciprocity, evoking a powerful window to set intentions around your significant connections. This might mean deepening existing relationships, releasing, or opening your heart to new love. Note: this moon forms an opposition to Pluto, which may highlight your fears around all of the above... Yet simultaneously, this New Moon forms a harmonious connection to Mercury (planet of communication) suggesting that talking it through may be the way to go.
On August 15th, Mars conjoins Jupiter in Gemini, energising your sector of creativity and play. This magical meeting will evoke a fresh wave of inspiration and enthusiasm for any brewing creative projects, as well as romantic endeavours. Reminder: adding more romance to your daily life can be as simple as taking the time to smell (and notice) the roses, nurturing yourself, and creating/doing beautiful things just for you. This month’s Full Moon auspiciously unfolds in your sign (August 20th), where the self-loving theme of August comes through once again. Here, you’re specifically invited to reflect on your individual needs, and your commitments to others. Are they in balance? On August 23rd, the Sun enters Virgo, shifting your focus towards transformation and deep emotional healing. Release, catharsis, and expansion dear Aquarius... wonderful things are on the way.
Themes: Magic and depth, hidden fears, life adjustments, divine connection.
Dear Pisces, for you August will be illuminating, sensitive, and deep. Both Saturn and your planetary ruler (Neptune) are retrograde in your sign, blurring boundaries and expanding your beliefs around what’s possible. This is the place where new opportunities, abundance and magic flow through... enjoy! On August 4th, the Leo New Moon highlights your sector of routines and wellbeing, making it a powerful time to set intentions related to your daily habits. Because it’s opposite Pluto (ruler of shadow work), you may become aware of what has held you back from implementing healthier habits, or the reasons behind some of your vices.
This theme will continue over the next month with Mercury retrograde, which begins the following day (until August 29th). Reminder: retrogrades invite us inwards, to see what’s working and what’s not. Don’t be too alarmed if all of a sudden you have the feeling that certain elements of your life no longer “fit.” Trust the process, as well as your intuition. It may be time to shed that which no longer serves you. A burst of energy and momentum will arise on August 19th, where Mercury Cazimi evokes a sense of play, lightness and gratitude; encouraging you to step outside of your comfort zone. The following day, the Full Moon in Aquarius takes this further, illuminating your sector of spirituality, to remind you that you’re both capable of anything, and connected to everything...